Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Does tearing down Obama build us up?

Last week, Michele Bachmann made some comments about President Obama's budget for his chef(s), projectionist, dog walker, etc. There is some debate as to the veracity of these statements, but even if they are 100% true, is this a good use of our time? Yes, some of these expenses may be lavish, but I'm sure past presidents (including Republicans) did the same. It's part of the perks of having the job as "leader of the free world", which comes with a salary nowhere near that of a CEO of a Fortune 500 company. $400,000.00 per year, plus travel and other expenses makes for a very comfortable lifestyle, but it is a far cry from the $10 million salaries CEOs earn. (As an aside, my own dog walker doesn't charge much, so I'm sure the cost is not that excessive).

The point is, yeah, it's not great that we as taxpayers are paying for this, but we have bigger fish to fry. We need to get our economy back on track and get a Republican in the White House in 2016. In order to win favor with the American people, we need to show them the good that our party can do. Constantly putting down Obama and other democrats may be fun, but does it really do anything to help us? I think it makes us look petty and like sore losers. If we're really going to change our party's image, we have to take a long hard look at ourselves and understand why we lost in 2012. All of this negative finger pointing does not offer the one thing the people really

I'm a fan of a particular basketball team who has a long time rivalry with another team. Once a year, the rival team comes to town and I wear my favorite t-shirt in my team's colors, which states that the opposing team sucks. I get a lot of pleasure from wearing this shirt and "in your facing" fans of the opponent. My husband hates that I wear this shirt. He says I should wear a shirt that promotes my team for them being great, not criticize the other team for...well...sucking. I think this is what our party has been doing. We've been wearing our "democrats suck" and "Obama sucks" t-shirts instead of wearing our "republicans rule" t-shirts. Continuing on this path is not going to lead us to a win in 2016. Let's start showing the American people what we can do right instead of focusing on what the democrats are doing wrong.

Thanks for listening,
The Urban Republican

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