Tuesday, February 26, 2013



A big problem in our culture today is entitlement.  This problem doesn't seem to be getting any better and will probably only get worse as democrats keep getting elected to the White House.  I'm not sure when this happened....what generation is guilty of this current state of apathy or are multiple generations to blame?   I, myself, am a Gen-X-er (Generation X, those born between the early 60s and the early 80s).  I was born in the early 70s, so there's no doubt about it...I'm a Gen-X-er.

I'd like to think that my generation is not to blame, as I don't abide by the code of entitlement.  Sure, I'd love to not have to work and spend my days at the movies, watching TV, going to lunch, traveling, etc., but I'm not independently wealthy.  Like most of you reading this (if not all), I have to get up in the morning, drive to work, put up with a lot of stress during the day, then drive home and cherish a few hours with my husband and dog before we go to sleep and start the cycle all over again.

Perhaps the Generation Y kids or Generation Me are to blame.  Makes perfect sense, right?  They're described by some as a generation of narcissists, hence the name "Generation Me".  They were born between the early 80s and early 2000s.  This is the generation of facebook, twitter, instagram, blogs, etc., everyone displaying their whole lives for the world (or a select group of people) to see.    Of course, this is the generation we should logically blame, right....but who raised them?  Who are their parents.  Chances are, many of Generation Y are the products of Generation X procreation.

My generation, the generation that longed to separate themselves from their parents' identities and feel this amazing self worth all while never wanting for anything.  Yes, my generation parented Generation Y and created these monsters.  Of course, this does not apply to everyone.  I have many friends who are great parents and have polite and charming children....but then there's the other kind of people.  The kind of people who believe there should be no winners and losers in a game, just participants.  The kind of people who praise 17th place.  The kind of people that don't want their children to ever feel any sort of disappointment.  The problem is.....this is not the way the world works.  Life is full of winners and losers.  1st place is really the only accomplishment that gets praise.  Life is full of disappointments.  That's life.

Unfortunately, more and more people in our country believe they should have the same things others have without any hard work, without achievement, without anything, but a sense of entitlement.  It's not just young people.  This disease of entitlement does not discriminate by age.  In fact, it doesn't discriminate at all.  The epidemic is spreading rapidly and this needs to change fast or we will drift into apathy.  This is why I started my blog....we need to unite our party and accept each other's differences if we're ever going to be strong enough to counter a party that is essentially giving the people what they want....something for nothing.

Thanks for listening,
The Urban Republican

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  1. Allow me to tell you about my "entitlement" experiance. I served in the Air Force from 1978 - 1982. I was injured in an accident in 1980 while serving. I spent 5 months in a hospitol bed. I have had long term problems from that accident. Yet after seperating from the Air Force I continued my aviation career for another 26 years. I paid my taxes every year. In 2009 the pain in my knees was overwhelming and I finally had to have total knee replacement (both knees). This effectively ended my aviation career. I now get SS disability and VA disability. And here is the rub. I am ENTITLED to that. I earned both by virtue of both my service and years of paying into SS. I cannot understand why people make out like the word entitlement is somehow bad. It is exactly what it is.
    Now, is there abuse of the entitlement system? Of course. And are the legitimate needs of the entitlement programs underfunded? Absolutely. As a man who is relying on my entitlements to pay my bills, I wonder about the solvency of the programs in 5 - 10 years. I served and I paid taxes for 36 years. I am entitled and I will tell anyone that is so. I wish I could be back on the flight line. I miss it very much. I am only 54. But because of my knees, that will never happen again.

  2. Hi Steven,
    Thank you for your comment and I agree you are 100% entitled to those things. You served your country and were injured. I'm talking about the people who haven't done anything to earn such entitlements. I'm sure you would agree that a 22 year old coming out of college without any experience or any exceptional traits shouldn't just stroll into a six-figure job and live the good life from day one. I 100% believe social security and disability should be there for people like you who have earned it and/or paid into the system. It's the people who never work, keep having babies, and take and take and take that upset me.
